What is PB4L?

(Positive Behaviour For Learning)

Kia Atawhai - Kia Pono - Kia Ngangahau 

Kind – Honest - Active

Here at Lucknow School our reward system is based around our PB4L expectations. 

(Refer to our Positive Behaviour for Learning Matrix for more detail.)

  KIND. Children will learn to respect ‘Themselves’, ‘Others’, and ‘Property’.  By showing respect children will respect differences in individuals and cherish diversity and equity.  They will set and maintain high standards for themselves in everything they do.

HONEST.  The children will be honest, act ethically and be accountable for their decisions.  They will be courteous and caring.  They will have a high sense of purpose and a desire to better themselves. 

ACTIVE.  Children will be striving to achieve to their potential because they are fully involved and passionate about their learning. We will be looking for our Positive Children to develop into Lifelong Learners. Happy, Confident and Connected Learners.  The children will take risks and step outside their comfort zone to push their boundaries and continue to improve in every aspect of their lives.

Lucky Cards

  • Lucky Cards are used in class as children earn their way towards recognition.  The cards have 8 squares on the back.  Children are aiming to get 1 stamp in each box per week.   Some children may get it quicker, others will take longer.  In general it will take between 3 and 4 terms to achieve a band. 

  • Prizes

    • Year 1-2: Kiwi Awards. No set number of awards or bands.

    • Year 3 to 6:  5 x LC cards =Blue (Piwakawaka)  wrist band + Cert,

NEXT:  5 x LC cards =Green ( Tui) wrist band + Cert,

FINAL: 5 x LC cards = Orange (Kereru) wrist band + Cert

  • Free & Frequent – House Points: Classroom teachers can also use this to accumulate overall class targets if needed, and cross check with LC’s to ensure accuracy.  These accumulate as points for their House, and are tallied at the weekly assembly.    

  • One Principal award per class is given per week, combined with a Duffy Book.  The principal reads what the award has been given for during school assembly. 

PB4L Behaviour Expectations Matrix